Today, Sunday July 10th, the chicks are between six and seven weeks old, or to be exact...
Ceri is 47 days old
Tegid is 42 days old
When will they fly for the first time?
The Great Fledge Competition!
Ceri gets some air under her wings
Today, Sunday July 10th, the chicks are between six and seven weeks old, or to be exact...
Ceri is 47 days old
Tegid is 42 days old
When will they fly for the first time?
Ceri gets some air under her wings
Ceri, Tegid. © MWT
The aim is simple enough - Guess the day and time (to the nearest minute) that the first osprey will fledge. It doesn't matter which one fledges first, but it will most probably be Ceri as she is 4½ days older than her brother, Tegid.
"Tuesday 12th July at 11:35" would be one guess.
Definition of fledging: Ceri or Tegid leaves the confines of the nest in a controlled flight and either lands back on the nest or another location, including the nest perch. In other words, a prolonged 'helicopter' flight does not constitute fledging.
To enter, just donate a minimum of £2 or more per guess using the donate buttons on the Live Streaming page.
Ceri and Tegid - preparing for take-off...
You may know that we are doing DNA analysis (mouth swabs) this year of Welsh osprey chicks for the very first time. We are trying to raise £800 to do this and the donations received from this competition will go towards this exciting research. We should have our first sets of results in the autumn but look out for a detailed article on how and why we are doing this in the next few weeks...
Please use the BT MyDonate button - they don't take a cut and you can also Gift Aid (UK tax payers only) which adds another 25% to your donation. There is a Paypal button too.
To help you with your guesses, here is a bar chart showing all the fledging ages of Dyfi chicks since 2011. The blues are boys, reds are females:
(Remember, Ceri is 47 days old today and Tegid is 42 days old.)
Competition open to all, including international.
The nearest guess will win a photographic print of Clarach taking one of her first flights back in 2013 - wonder where she is now..?
The print is A3 in size and is professionally mounted and framed. It really does look phenomenal.
Alternatively, you can choose the book; "Ospreys In Wales: The First Ten Years"
Clarach. © MWT
Or ...