At the Dyfi Osprey Project we record the exact date and time that we last saw each of the osprey chicks at the nest. We assume that the youngsters begin their migration shortly after this point. We base this assumption on the data gathered from many satellite tracked birds we know of, including our own first four chicks in 2011 and 2012.
Here is the chart that shows the age of each of our chicks as it set off on its migration south.

We can also look at how many days there are between when each chick fledges and when it migrates. Some of these chicks have only been flying for around a month before they make the 3000+ mile journey south.

Migration Routes
In 2011 and 2012 the chicks from the Dyfi nest were fitted with satellite tracking devices. The data from these devices shows us the migration routes of each of these four birds took and where they spent their time in west Africa. You can see their routes on the graphic below. Sadly, none of these four birds made the return journey to the UK.

What happens next?
Young ospreys generally don't make a return migration until they are at least two years old and generally don't breed until they are three years old or older. You can find out which of the Dyfi osprey chicks have been sighted as adult birds here.