At the Dyfi Osprey Project we define a fledging event as 'A controlled flight to a perch outside the confines of the nest'. Before an osprey can fledge it needs to build up the strength in its flight muscles. It does this by repeated wing flapping and 'helicoptering'. Helicoptering is where the young osprey uses its wings to lift off and hover above the nest for a few seconds. Fledging is always an exciting moment.

The osprey chicks do not always fledge in age order. Males typically fledge earlier that females as they are smaller and lighter. Our youngest chick to fledge was Tywi (KC7/20) who was just 48.7 days old then he took his first flight. The oldest chick at fledging was Leri (DJ/11) who was 57.3 days old when she flew for the first time.
Here we can see Peris (KA2/19) taking his first flight in 2019.