Well, after taking things easy to begin with, Leri has suddenly started to move with some urgency. We have discovered that on the 17th of Sept she spent the whole day near to the River Loire, hopefully resting and refuelling. During the 18th and 19th she pushed further south to the East of Toulouse, over the Pyrenees and across the border in Spain, and she came to rest for the night in Catalonia, 18 miles from the south coast. On the 20th, Leri undertook a brave leg of her journey. The data from this day is still a little patchy but we may get some more points during the next download. It would seem that she cut across the Balearic Sea and followed the coast of Spain before crossing the Alboran Sea. By 8am on the 21st she was on dry land in the North of Morocco.
Leri - France to Africa
On the Move South

A later unconfirmed reading suggests that she then headed south over the Atlas mountains and came to rest by a river near to the Algerian border. We will have to wait for her next data download on the 24th to be sure. If she is there, then she has travelled over 1000 miles in three days. Must be the Welsh Dragon in her!