Gwynant, Deri and Monty Migrate

Gwynant, Deri and Monty Migrate

Monty. © MWT

Our Ospreys Have Migrated

Slowly but surely our ospreys have departed, one by one.

After his mother left on 19th August, Gwynant hung around for another 12 days. He was last seen on the larch tree with his father late on Saturday night, 30th August.  His sister, Deri, had become very territorial over the previous few days, not even letting Gwynant land on the nest. He probably left early the following morning, 31st August.

Gwynant with his Dad, Monty

© MWT - Gwynant (left) and Monty, 2014

Gwynant (left) and Monty. © MWT

Gwynant reminds us so much of his half-brother Einion in 2011 - very independent, easy going, and determined. He even left on the same day as Einion, August 31st.

We know that young ospreys can reach Senegal and Gambia in quick time - two to three weeks in most cases. He left 11 days ago, hopefully he is on the last leg of his journey right now.

Deri left the Dyfi on 5th September at 85 days old, just a day older than her brother. We last saw her at 10:33 on the larch perch, she lifted off, gained height, and flew south-west down the estuary. Monty stayed around the nest all day looking for her, fish in talon. But to no avail.

Deri looking at us, looking at her

© MWT - Deri, 2014

Deri. © MWT

Monty stayed around until Sunday morning. We had glorious weather over the weekend and thousands of people watched him on the Live Streaming. He stayed more or less on the nest and larch perch throughout Friday and Saturday - as if he knew we were saying goodbye to him.

Saturday morning in the sunshine, Monty, the last osprey still with us

© MWT - Monty, 2014. Dyfi Osprey Project

Monty. © MWT

Monty's job was done for another year, his calling for warmer climes was getting stronger and on Sunday morning at 10:50 he flew off his larch perch and immediately started to circle and gain height. We watched him for another 18 minutes until he was a tiny spec, high in the blue sky - he must have been half a mile up.

He then circled one last time before breaking off and heading south. We lost sight of him high over the Ceredigion hills at 11:08.

Monty departs

© MWT - Monty, 2014

Monty. © MWT

Here are the completed key timeframes for the Dyfi ospreys so far...

MWT- Key Dates, 2011 - 2014

It's been one heck of a season again, here is a video of Deri and Monty migrating.

See you next year Monts..