Here's another instalment of a Science Sunday post for you.
This week gone we saw the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year on 21st June.
So, we thought it would be interesting to show you what happens at the Dyfi Wildlife Centre on this day with regard to our solar system. We have two in all – a whole-roof PV array and the newly installed PV system in the car park; both systems 'talk' with each other, working in tandem.
So, on 21st June our combined solar system converted 390 kWh of light energy to electrical energy. This is enough to run an average family house for around seven weeks!
Of that 390 kWh, the Dyfi Wildlife Centre used 87 kWh, we saved 14 kWh in a battery for use at night, and we exported the surplus 288 kWh to the grid for others to use. Despite having to pay 30p per kWh to import each kWh of electricity - just like you do at home - we get no payment of the huge amounts of power we send to the grid each year. The government scheme 'Feed-in-Tariff' has ended in the UK.