Monty and Dai Dot
Monty Has Returned!
Monty Has Returned!
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Ben grew up at the Naze paddling in the sea and looking for sharks’ teeth. After graduation, he returned to the landscape he loves to help local people experience the wonders of the natural world…
Telyn and Idris Return and Have 3 Eggs
A bushy brown seaweed that appears bright blue underwater.
Merin (Blue W1), Celyn (Blue W2), Brenig (Blue W3)
Leri Leaves the Dyfi
Simon has been restoring Wild Meadows for three years. By planting trees, digging a lake and sowing meadows, he is showing how quickly wildlife like otters, badgers and tawny owls can return, and…
Ceri (Blue Z0) and Tegid (Blue Z1)
Beautiful demoiselle’s are, well, beautiful! Often confused for a dragonfly, these giants of the damselfly world are hard to miss with their metallic blue and green colours.
The nodding, blue bells of the harebell are a summer delight of grasslands, sand dunes, hedgerows and cliffs. They are attractive to all kinds of insects, too.