10 Things You Need to Know About DOP 2016
Opening Times, Live Streaming, New Hide, Wheelchair Lift, and More
Opening Times, Live Streaming, New Hide, Wheelchair Lift, and More
Day 16: First Egg
Egg 2 Arrives
An intruding female osprey made the briefest of touchdowns on the nest at 05:56 yesterday morning.
Monty and Glesni Return... and Blue 24 and Dai Dot are Still Here
A bushy brown seaweed that appears bright blue underwater.
Merin (Blue W1), Celyn (Blue W2), Brenig (Blue W3)
Beautiful demoiselle’s are, well, beautiful! Often confused for a dragonfly, these giants of the damselfly world are hard to miss with their metallic blue and green colours.
The nodding, blue bells of the harebell are a summer delight of grasslands, sand dunes, hedgerows and cliffs. They are attractive to all kinds of insects, too.
Ceulan: Blue 3C
A good luck charm for travellers, Germander speedwell can be seen along roadsides, grassy lanes and hedgerows. Look for clumps of bright blue flowers.