Easter Egg and a Small Evolutionary Trick
First Egg, Delayed Incubation, Dropped Fish
First Egg, Delayed Incubation, Dropped Fish
Welcome Chick 1!
Welcome Chick No 1!
Season Highlights Thus Far
An Eventful Few Days, and News of Blue 24
We last saw Pedran on 11th August when she was 77.7 days old. Has something happened to her?
Telyn has laid three eggs again this year.
Egg 2 is Laid Early Saturday Morning
Second Chick Arrives!
Blue 12 Visits Dyfi
The Parent bug lives up to its name. The female lays her eggs on a Silver birch leaf, watching over them until they hatch. She stays with the young until they are adults. Other shield bugs lay…
Mae glöyn byw y glesyn cyffredin yn driw i’w enw - mae'n las llachar ac i'w ganfod mewn pob math o gynefinoedd heulog, glaswelltog ledled y DU! Cadwch lygad amdano yn eich gardd hefyd.…