Three Eggs, Two Intruders, No Monty
Hatching Expected Near End of May
Hatching Expected Near End of May
Four Months Old Today!
You've probably spotted this long-legged spider hiding in the corner of a house or building.
They're Here!
The pied flycatcher is a summer visitor, migrating here from West Africa to breed. Look for this small, black-and-white bird in woodland, parks and gardens, mostly in the west of the UK.
Easily recognised in its beach habitat, the Yellow horned-poppy is so-named for its long, curving seedpods that look like horns! Look for golden-yellow flowers in June.
The pied wagtail is a familiar bird across town and countryside. Its black-and-white markings and long, wagging tail make it easy to identify as it hops across the road or lawn.
This bizarre bug can be found on plants in woodland rides and clearings.
Caring for a pet is a rewarding experience that doesn't have to cost the earth.
A Few Notes
A Brief Recap, and What's Planned for This Year!