The Great Fledge Competition - 2018
Guess the First Fledge
Guess the First Fledge
Monty is Back and in Great Shape! Blue 24 Arrives First
New Items Added
Camera and Microphone Systems Ready for Action!
All Three Chicks are in Great Condition
Welcome Chick 1!
Merin (Blue W1), Celyn (Blue W2), Brenig (Blue W3)
An intruding female osprey made the briefest of touchdowns on the nest at 05:56 yesterday morning.
Monty and Glesni Are Due Back Four Weeks Today!
The yellow meadow ant is known for creating anthills in grassland habitats. It has a close relationship with the Chalkhill blue butterfly - protecting the larvae in return for a sugary substance…
The river lamprey is a primitive, jawless fish, with a round, sucker-mouth which it uses to attach to other fish to feed from them. Adults live in the sea and return to freshwater to spawn.