Pink waxcap
This beautiful pink fungus appears in late summer and autumn.
This beautiful pink fungus appears in late summer and autumn.
The common rosefinch is a rare visitor to the UK, usually passing through in autumn.
This football-sized fungus can be seen in autumn, sometimes growing on grass verges.
Bilberries appear in summer and early autumn and are often turned into jams, pies and sauces...
This tiny wading bird is most often seen in autumn, feeding on the muddy margins of wetlands.
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These globe-spanning seabirds can often be seen offshore in autumn, shearing low over the waves.
This charming little warbler is an increasingly common sight in autumn, when migrants pass through the UK.
A visit to a traditional orchard reveals gnarled old trunks of fruit and nut trees bursting with blossoms and young leaves in springtime, with wildflowers and insects populating summer’s long…
The classic fairy tale toadstool, this red and white fungus is often found beneath birch trees in autumn.
The Keeled skimmer is a dragonfly of heaths and commons with shallow pools. It has a skittish and weak flight, and is on the wing in summer and early autumn.