Mother's Day Delight
Telyn Arrives, First Fish of the Season
Telyn Arrives, First Fish of the Season
Ringing, and 10 Things We Didn't Know Last Week
We Have Two Females.. Cerist and Clarach!
Glesni Has Not Returned; Monty and Blue 3J Have Bonded
Peris Comes Back; Hyperphagia
This birch-loving moth can be seen flying on sunny days in early spring.
This metallic green beetle can be seen visiting flowers on sunny days in spring and summer.
This brightly-coloured beetle is often found feeding on flowers on warm days in late spring and summer.
This sooty-black, day-flying moth is active on sunny days, rarely settling in one place for long.
These moths can be seen flying on sunny days, but you're more likely to spot the fuzzy caterpillars crawling over paths.
The Glanville fritillary can be spotted on warm days around coastal habitats on the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands, as well as at a few locations in mainland England.
They're Here!