Recycle and reuse
Recycle, upcycle - and make do and mend! Production of household waste needs to decrease by 33% by 2037 to reach recommended emissions targets. So get out that needle and thread!
Recycle, upcycle - and make do and mend! Production of household waste needs to decrease by 33% by 2037 to reach recommended emissions targets. So get out that needle and thread!
Build your own bug mansion and attract a multitude of creepy crawlies to your garden.
Reduce your travel emissions
With natural nesting sites in decline, adding a nestbox to your garden can make all the difference to your local birds.
Buy local produce, eat more plant-based foods and reduce your food miles to shrink your environmental footprint.
Use the blank canvas of your garden to make a home for wildlife.
Philip has been helping to restore Manchester Mosslands for twenty years, helping these rare wetlands to recover. He works in front of a computer most of the time, so he has always enjoyed the…
Build your own bat box and give a bat a safe place to roost.
There are plenty of ways you can take action against climate change in your own backyard or local greenspace.
By providing safe places for hedgehogs to live, you’re much more likely to see these prickly creatures in your garden.
Coastal gardening can be a challenge, but with the right plants in the right place, your garden and its wildlife visitors can thrive.
With food, water and shelter scarce over the winter months, give your garden birds a treat with an edible Christmas wreath.