Ceulan - Back from the Dead
A Tense Week Ends in Good News!
A Tense Week Ends in Good News!
Berthyn Photographed in Scotland, May 2021
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As a child growing up in Ghana, Patience never took an interest in what was going on in the garden. Now, she’s growing her own flowers and vegetables every week, both at the Centre for Wildlife…
The Excitement is Building!
This large skate has tiny, prickly spines all over its back.
The undulate ray has beautiful wavy patterns on its back, which helps it camouflage against the sandy seabed.
Beavers are the engineers of the animal world, creating wetlands where wildlife can thrive. After a 400-year absence, beavers are back in Britain!
A summer visitor, the wheatear is a handsome chat, with black cheeks, white eyestripes, a blue back and a pale orange chest. Look for it on upland heaths and moors.
With tiger-like stripes, red fins and a humped back, the perch is a striking fish. It can be seen in lowland waterbodies and waterways across the UK, often in shoals.
Back Early This Year
A classic fern of woodlands across the UK, the male-fern is also a great addition to any garden. It grows impressive stands from underground rhizomes, dying back in autumn.