Monty's Return
Monty Returns on April 3rd
Monty Returns on April 3rd
Monty and Glesni Return... and Blue 24 and Dai Dot are Still Here
An intruding female osprey made the briefest of touchdowns on the nest at 05:56 yesterday morning.
Blue 12 Visits Dyfi
Blue 80, a 2012 Glaslyn Bird, Pays a Visit
Ceri (Blue Z0) and Tegid (Blue Z1)
Welsh Ospreys: A Hypothesis
Still Here
Both Telyn and Idris have returned home safely. This is their fourth year together.
Update on the Chicks, Fishing Report, and Visiting Ospreys
What Will She Do This Year?
Glesni Last Seen 12th of August; Blue 24 Returns